Hamoud, A., S. Doddi, H. Eby, X. Zhang, A. Imami, E. Shedroff, I. Schiefer, J. Moreno-Lopez, D. Gamm, J. Meller, and R. McCullumsmith. Transcriptomic Analysis of Metastatic Uveal Melanoma and Differences in Male and Female Patients. Cancer Genomics Proteomics, 2024, pp. 350-360 PubMed Text.
Background/aim: Uveal melanoma is an ocular malignancy whose prognosis severely worsens following metastasis. In order to improve the understanding of molecular physiology of metastatic uveal melanoma, we identified genes and pathways implicated in metastatic vs non-metastatic uveal melanoma.
Keywords: Metastasis; RNA Seq; bioinformatics; melanoma; uvea.