Leadership Committee

Barbara A. Blodi, MD

Credentials: Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, SMPH

Position title: Matthew D. Davis Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Wisconsin Reading Center, Medical Director

Email: bablodi@wisc.edu

Kevin Eliceiri, PhD

Credentials: Departments of Medical Physics, SMPH
Biomedical Engineering, CoE
Center for Quantitative Cell Imaging, CQCI, VCR
Morgridge Institute for Research

Position title: Associate Director, McPherson Eye Research Institute
Retina Research Foundation Walter H. Helmerich Research Chair,
Morgridge Institute for Research, Investigator

Email: eliceiri@wisc.edu

David Gamm, MD, PhD

Credentials: Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, SMPH
Waisman Center, VCRGE

Position title: RRF Emmett A Humble Distinguished Director,
McPherson Eye Research Institute
Sandra Lemke Trout Chair in Eye Research,

Email: dgamm@wisc.edu

Akihiro Ikeda, DVM, PhD

Credentials: Department of Medical Genetics, SMPH

Position title: Timothy William Trout Professor in Eye Research

Email: aikeda@wisc.edu

Gillian McLellan, BVMS, PhD, DECVO, DACVO, FARVO

Credentials: Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, SMPH
Department of Surgical Sciences, SVM

Position title: Department Chair, Surgical Sciences
Tim and Nancy Speaker Chair in Canine Health
Associate Professor

Email: gillian.mclellan@wisc.edu

Bikash Pattnaik, PhD, MPhil

Credentials: Department of Pediatrics; Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, SMPH

Position title: Associate Professor; McPherson ERI M.D. Matthews Research Professor

Email: pattnaik@wisc.edu

Ari Rosenberg, PhD

Credentials: Department of Neuroscience, SMPH

Position title: Associate Professor

Email: ari.rosenberg@wisc.edu

Karen Schloss, PhD

Credentials: Department of Psychology, L&S
Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Position title: Associate Professor

Email: kschloss@wisc.edu

Vikas Singh, PhD

Credentials: Departments of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics, SMPH
Computer Sciences, SCDIS

Position title: Professor

Email: vsingh@biostat.wisc.edu