Chairs & Professorships

Retina Research Foundation Emmett A. Humble Distinguished Directorship
Director, McPherson Eye Research Institute


Retina Research Foundation Walter H. Helmerich Research Chair
Professor, Department of Medical Physics


Retina Research Foundation Daniel M. Albert Chair
Associate Professor, Pediatrics/Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences


Retina Research Foundation Kathryn and Latimer Murfee Chair
Professor of Biomedical Engineering


Retina Research Foundation Edwin and Dorothy Gamewell Professor
Vilas Distinguished Professor, Advancing Vision Science Chair Professor


Retina Research Foundation M.D. Matthews Research Professor
Professor, Department of Neuroscience


Retina Research Foundation Rebecca Meyer Brown Professor
Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences


Sandra Lemke Trout Chair in Eye Research
Director, McPherson Eye Research Institute


Monroe E. Trout Chair in Eye Research
Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences


Timothy William Trout Chair in Eye Research
Professor, Department of Medical Genetics


David and Nancy Walsh Family Professorship in Vision Research
Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience