Guest Lecturers Bring Neuromagic to the HSLC
McPherson ERI’s annual event showcasing vision-related research was held on Tuesday, November 3rd, drawing more than 100 participants to the atrium of the Health Sciences Learning Center.
Following the poster session, Drs. Susana Martinez-Conde and Stephen Macknik (Professors at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York City and founders of the new discipline of neuromagic) gave the annual MERI Distinguished Guest Lecture. Their talk focused on the cognitive neuroscience of illusions, and was an absorbing introduction to their studies.
At the poster session, Maggie Maes (advisor, Rob Nickells) was given the Best Student Presentation Award, Visual Science for her poster Bax oligomerization kinetics and its role in ganglion cell death. Pawan Shahi (advisor, Bikash Pattnaik) and Li Xuan Tan (advisor, Aparna Lakkaraju) were each awarded honorable mentions for their poster presentations.