The McPherson ERI’s annual poster session, held on Tuesday, October 4th in the atrium of the School of Medicine and Public Health, attracted close to 100 McPherson ERI members and affiliated researchers. 37 MERI members, including many trainee members, displayed their current research in a wide range of vision science fields.
Professor JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Director and Chief Scientist of the AlloSphere Research Facility and Professor of Media Arts & Technology and of Music at the University of California, Santa Barbara, gave the annual McPherson ERI Lecture following the session, speaking on “Harnessing Sight and Sound to Explore Complex Information.” The image below shows how the Allosphere, the building-size display tool that Kucera-Morin developed at UC/Santa Barbara, is used to display complex data in a visual format (in this case, Kuchera-Morin and her group are using the immersive/interactive visual/aural computational platform to interact with MRI data of a real human body).