Fall Semester 2018,
12:00 to 1:00 PM, 2nd Tuesdays.
Please join us at this semester’s vision research seminars!
Please RSVP for pizza lunch to gmstirr@wisc.edu, 265-4023. Pizza is sponsored by EyeKor, Inc. and Ocular Services on Demand (OSOD), LLC, partnering with industry to accelerate the development of new therapies for ocular diseases.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018 – WIMR II conference room 3571
McPherson Eye Research Institute: Looking Ahead
David Gamm, MD, PhD, Institute Director (Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences)
Seeding Grant Success: The MERI Grant Summit Program
Kevin Eliceiri, PhD, Institute Associate Director (Laboratory for Optical & Computational Instrumentation; Morgridge Institute for Research)
Engineering the Eye: Contributions of computer and imaging engineering to eye research
Tuesday, October 9, 2018 – Genetics/Biotechnology Center room 1360
Anatomical Organization of the Inner Retina in Development and Disease
Mrinalini Hoon, PhD (Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences)
Setting up microcircuits in the inner retina
Rob Nickells, PhD (Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences)
Pathology of the inner plexiform layer after optic nerve damage: A model for the activation of RGC apoptosis
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 – WIMR II conference room 3571
Vision Insights Gained from Primate Partners
Raunak Sinha, PhD (Neuroscience)
Diversity of cone photoreceptor signaling in primate retina
T. Michael Nork, MD, MS (Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences)
Effects of experimental glaucoma on primate cones
Tuesday, December 11, 2018 – Genetics/Biotechnology Center room 1360
Gene Therapy for Retinal Disorders
Pawan Shahi, PhD (Pattnaik Lab, Pediatrics) Walsh Research Travel Award Recipient, Spring 2018
Rescue of Kir7.1 function by gene augmentation in LCA16 patient derived iPSC-RPE cells
Daniel Lipinski, MSc, DPhil (Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences; Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin)
Developing a gene therapy for diabetic retinopathy