This fall semester, with funding from Cycle for Sight as well as from the David G. Walsh Research Fellowship Fund, two David G. Walsh Research Travel Awards will be awarded to support graduate students and/or postdoctoral researchers.
The application process is open to postdoctoral researchers and graduate students currently in training in any McPherson ERI member research lab/program. Two $1,000 travel awards will be given to attend and present vision-related work at a professional conference/symposium.
Fall semester 2018 applications may be for attending & presenting at a conference/professional meeting between October 2018 and October 2019.
The fall application deadline is October 22nd, 2018. Award recipients will be notified by November 9th, 2018.
Please submit completed applications to Gail Stirr via email ( Applications will be reviewed by the McPherson ERI Research Committee.
Note: An applicant not selected in the Fall 2018 competition may resubmit for the Spring 2019 competition if the conference/meeting they plan to attend has not already passed.
Application Requirements include:
- The applicant must be a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher currently working in a McPherson ERI member’s lab/mentored by a McPherson ERI member; OR, have status as a Trainee Member of the Institute;
- The graduate student or postdoctoral researcher must be the primary presenter on a poster or paper being presented at the meeting to be attended;
- The poster or paper must share vision-related research.
- Please note that a graduate student is eligible to receive Walsh Travel Awards twice during their years of training, with an interval of two academic years between awards; a postdoctoral researcher is eligible to receive a single award.