Enrollment open for the Illuminating Discovery Science Communication Course

McPherson ERI member H. Adam Steinberg, who for many years has offered McPherson ERI members and trainees an annual workshop on effectively presenting and communicating science in posters and presentations, will co-teach an Illuminating Discovery Science Communication Course this fall.  The course, which will be held in the Discovery Building and sponsored by WID, aims to advance the participant’s development of communication skills exponentially.  Graduate students and Post Docs who would like to learn how to effectively communicate their research should apply!  There is no cost to participants this fall, and in previous years over 70% of course participants have reported that this course was transformative for their communication practice.

Participants will:

  • Work with your personal research project right in class, guided by two highly skilled communications professionals
  • Create talks and posters with much greater efficiency, ease, and effectiveness
  • Gain better confidence and success for non-native English speakers
  • Learn to give and receive peer feedback
  • Learn to communicate with collaborators outside your field
  • Increase success with your job talk, symposium talk, poster presentation, grant, and or research paper

Time commitment:  3.5 hours/week for 7 weeks

Schedule:       October 10th – November 21st

Class  Thursdays 3:30-5:00 pm

Lab     Thursdays 5:30-7:30 pm, OR Fridays 8:00-10:00 am

Please forward this information to other Grads and Post Docs who could benefit from this course!

Register at:      https://warf.wufoo.com/forms/illuminating-discovery-course/

Please direct questions to Adam adam@artforscience.com or Holly W Kerby hkerby@madisoncollege.edu