MERI-at-a-Glance 2019

McPherson ERI’s MERI-at-a-Glance event, which highlighted the breadth of vision research conducted by MERI members, took place at WID on Friday, November 22nd.  Eight McPherson ERI members gave short scientific presentations, alongside a pizza lunch and time for networking and discussion.

This year’s MERI-at-a-Glance presenters were:

Akihiro Ikeda, DVM, PhD (Medical Genetics), Loss of chondroitin sulfate modification leads to neurodegeneration.

Andreas Velten, PhD (Biostatistics and Medical Informatics; Electrical and Computer Engineering), How to see around corners.

Donna Neumann, PhD (Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences), Using gene therapy to prevent ocular HSV-1 episodes.

Yuri Saalmann, PhD (Psychology), Neural basis and causal manipulation of consciousness.

Zongfu Yu, PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Nanoscale photonics for visual perception.

Matthew Veldman, PhD (Cell Biology, Neurobiology, and Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin), Cell intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of successful optic nerve regeneration.

Jacob Notbohm, PhD (Engineering Physics), Force, shape, and function in cell collectives.

Seth Eaton, VMD, DACVO (Clinical Ophthalmology, School of Veterinary Medicine), Ocular squamous cell carcinoma: Finding common ground between horses and humans.