MERI 2022 Distinguished Paper Awards

The McPherson Eye Research Institute is pleased to announce recipients of the first annual McPherson ERI Distinguished Paper Award. Funded by the Cycle for Sight event, this award recognizes the outstanding work of our trainees and the breadth and depth of research conducted by Institute member laboratories.

**Prizes will be awarded in a brief ceremony to be held at the upcoming MERI-At-A-Glance event on Friday, February 24, 2023. (Registration for MERI-At-A Glance will open soon.) 

Please join the Education Committee and the Leadership Committee in congratulating these 2022 McPherson ERI Distinguished Paper Award recipients:

Kristina Chern, mentor Daniel Lipinski, Cell Biology, Neurobiology, and Anatomy at MCW:  

Prostaglandin-Based rAAV-Mediated Glaucoma Gene Therapy in Brown Norway Rats, published in Communications Biology, November 3, 2022.


Ray Doudlah, mentor Ari Rosenberg, Neuroscience:  Parallel Processing, Hierarchical Transformations, and Sensorimotor Associations Along the ‘Where’ Pathway, published in eLife, August 11, 2022.



Vishnu Lokhande, mentor Vikas Singh, Computer Science: 

Equivariance Allows Handling Multiple Nuisance Variables When Analyzing Pooled Neuroimaging Datasets, presented at the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, July 6, 2022.


Steven Mayerl, mentor David Gamm, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences: 

Human Retinal Organoids Harboring IMPG2 Mutations Exhibit a Photoreceptor Outer Segment Phenotype that Models Advanced Retinitis Pigmentosa, published in Stem Cell Reports, October 6, 2022.


Philip Myzk, mentor Colleen McDowell, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences:

A20 Attenuates the Fibrotic Response in the Trabecular Meshwork, publishedin International Journal of Molecular Sciences, February 9, 2022.  



Aindrila Saha, mentor Raunak Sinha, Neuroscience: 

Cone Photoreceptors in Human Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Organoids Demonstrate Intrinsic Light Responses that Mimic those of Primate Fovea, published in Cell Stem Cell, March 3, 2022.