Kevin Eliceiri, professor of medical physics and biomedical engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, plans to improve the architecture and infrastructure of μManager, an open-source software package for control of automated microscopes. Open-source software is …
MERI-at-a-Glance 2019
McPherson ERI’s MERI-at-a-Glance event, which highlighted the breadth of vision research conducted by MERI members, took place at WID on Friday, November 22nd. Eight McPherson ERI members gave short scientific presentations, alongside a pizza lunch …
Vision Science Poster Session Award Winners
Thank you to all who attended and to all who displayed posters at the 11th annual McPherson Eye Research Institute Vision Science poster session on October 24th, including the sixteen students/trainees whose posters were considered …
McPherson ERI/David G. Walsh Research Travel Awards, Fall 2019
McPherson ERI/David G. Walsh Research Travel Awards provide funds for graduate students and postdocs from McPherson ERI members’ research groups to attend conferences to present vision-related work and to advance educational and professional development opportunities. The …
Enrollment open for the Illuminating Discovery Science Communication Course
McPherson ERI member H. Adam Steinberg, who for many years has offered McPherson ERI members and trainees an annual workshop on effectively presenting and communicating science in posters and presentations, will co-teach an Illuminating Discovery …
Applications Open for Fall 2019 Walsh Research Travel Awards
With funding from Cycle for Sight as well as from the David G. Walsh Research Fellowship Fund, two David G. Walsh Research Travel Awards will be awarded to support graduate students and/or postdoctoral researchers in …
McPherson ERI Researchers Develop Nanocapsules for Gene Therapy Delivery
Tiny capsules packed with gene-editing tools offer alternative to viral delivery of gene therapy…. New tools for editing genetic code offer hope for new treatments for inherited diseases, some cancers, and even stubborn viral infections. …
Andreas Velten’s Group Advances “Non-line-of-sight imaging”
In a report in the August 5th, 2019 issue of Nature, Assistant Professor Andreas Velten and his colleagues describe recent advances in the ability to capture images around barriers – a long-term goal brought closer …
Kenzi Valentyn Vision Research Trainee Grants Announced
The McPherson Eye Research Institute’s Research and Leadership Committees are pleased to announce that Michael Landowski, PhD, and Kazuya Oikawa, BVSc, are the 2019 recipients of the Kenzi Valentyn Vision Research Trainee Grants. Michael Landowski, …
Novel Imaging Tech Brings Together Madison, Milwaukee Vision Researchers
The Morgridge Institute for Research recently highlighted a collaboration between two McPherson ERI vision scientists, Melissa Skala at UW-Madison and Joseph Carroll at Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Read more about both scientists in …