Our Tuesday Seminar Series always alternates between one of two locations on campus (Rm 3571 WIMR and Rm 1360 BIOTECH). Please consult the current seminar schedule to see which seminar takes place at which location. You can access directions and parking information for both locations via the two buttons below.
NOTE: If you are a speaker at the seminar series, MERI will provide you with parking validation. After your talk, please ask Jonathan Lang for parking validation pass so that you do not have to pay when you exit your garage/lot.
WIMR 3571
Seminars in the WIMR building (1111 Highland Ave) are held on the third floor in room 3571.
If you’re driving over to WIMR, the best place to park is the UW Hospital parking garage (Lot 75). From there you can walk to the WIMR building by either cutting through the hospital, going into the hallway that connects WIMR to HSCL (probably the quickest route), or walking outside to Highland Ave and then walking around to WIMR’s front entrance. In the map below, Lot 75 is marked with an orange ‘P’, the hallway entrance with a red circle and the front entrance to WIMR with a blue circle.
Seminars in the Biotechnology Center Building (425 Henry Mall) take place in room 1360.
If you’re driving over to the Biotech building, the best place to park is in the nearby Lot 20. If there is no availability in Lot 20, then Lots 36, 28 and 17 are also possibilities. The map below shows the location of each of these lots marked with an orange ‘P’.