Andrew Haun, PhD

Credentials: Wisconsin Institute for Sleep and Consciousness, Department of Psychiatry

Position title: Assistant Scientist


Website: Center for Sleep and Consciousness (CSC)

Department of Psychiatry
6001 Research Park Blvd
Suite 170
Madison, WI 53719

Portrait photo of Andrew Haun

Keywords: Spatial vision, Visual psychophysics, Consciousness, Integrated information theory, Perceptual organization, Visual field, Scotoma, cortical blindness.

PhD 2009, Experimental Psychology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
BA 2002, Psychology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

I want to understand the structure of visual experience, and how it comes about. Research topics include the visual field, color and contrast perception, edge and blur perception, and the interaction of spatial vision with low-level image content. I also do work on theoretical perspectives regarding how conscious visual experience emerges from visual cortex. Various neuroscience experiences include collection and/or analysis of visual fMRI, EEG, ECoG, and monkey LFPs.
