Moo Chung, PhD
Position title: Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
Website: Website
Phone: (608) 217-2452
4725 Medical Sciences Center
1300 University Ave
Madison, WI 53706
B.S. 1995, Applied Mathematics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
M.S. 1997, Mathematics, University of Toronto
PhD. 2001, Statistics, McGill University
Research Interests
Dr. Chung’s main research area is computational neuroanatomy, where non invasive brain imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) are used to map spatiotemporal dynamics of the human brain. Computational neuroanatomy deals with the computational problems arising from the quantification of the structure and the function of the human brain. Dr. Chung’s research has been concentrated on the methodological development of quantifying anatomical shape variations in both normal and clinical populations using various mathematical and statistical techniques. A major challenge in the field is caused by the massive amount of nonstandard high dimensional non-Euclidean imaging data that are difficult to analyze using available techniques. This requires new computational solutions that are formulated in a differential geometric setting in addressing more complex scientific hypotheses. Other than computational neuroanatomy, Dr. Chung’s interests lie in shape analysis, medical image analysis, nonparametric regression, functional data analysis, random fields theory, and partial differential equations.
Listing of Publications