Amitha Domalpally, MD, PhD
Credentials: Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, SMPH
Position title: Assistant Professor
Research Director of the Wisconsin Reading Center
DOVS A-EYE Unit Director
Phone: 608-263-1088
Wisconsin Reading Center
301 S Westfield Rd Ste 200
Madison, WI 53717
MBBS 1997, Medicine, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India
Internship 1998, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India
Pre-Residency 2000, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India
Residency 2003, Ophthalmology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India
PhD 2018, UW-Madison
Research Interests:
Dr. Domalpally is interested in ophthalmology imaging research and works to develop imaging outcomes for clinical trials, particularly in the field of diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. As the Research Director of the Fundus Photograph Reading Center, she is responsible for designing the research methods for evaluating ocular images and training and supervising graders in evaluation of ocular images for clinical trials. She has also established a quality control system to ensure reproducibility of the grading data. Dr. Domalpally also participates in operations committees for NEI funded projects such as Age Related eye disease 2(AREDS2), the Study of Comparative Treatments for Retinal Vein Occlusion2 (SCORE2) and the Multi-Center Uveitis Steroid treatment Study (MUST), and is the reading center co–investigator for the META MUST trial.
Her research interest involves novel outcomes and new imaging techniques such as autofluorescence, spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) layer segmentation and wide field photography and their validation for clinical trials. She has published extensively on imaging artifacts in OCT scans and ways to identify and correct the errors. She has also been worked on individual retinal layer segmentation and enface imaging to develop novel OCT related outcomes such as neovascular lesion volume ,drusen volumes and drusen and photoreceptor mapping. Some of these outcomes are now being evaluated in large datasets in NEI funded projects SCORE2 and META MUST and also in pharmaceutical trials.
She has developed a grading methodology for evaluating peripheral retina for features of dry AMD in both color and autofluorescence images. The method has been used in a large ancillary study in AREDS2 involving over 1000 participants. Multiple clinical trials evaluating treatments for geographic atrophy and dry AMD have also utilized this method.