C. Thomas Dow, MD

Position title: (Retired) Ophthalmologist

Email: ctomdow@gmail.com

BS 1970, Medical Microbiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MD 1974, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Internship/Residency 1978, Ophthalmology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Interests
Dr. Thomas Dow is the senior partner of Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, a nine-ophthalmologist group practice serving Eau Claire and west central Wisconsin. A past member of the Eye Research Institute Advisory Board and volunteer faculty associate of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Dr. Dow is an alumnus of the ophthalmology program at UW-Madison and is included in the database “Best Doctors in America.”

Dr. Dow has research interests in the contribution of occult infection to “autoimmune” disease specifically by the bacterium Mycobacterim avium ss. Paratuberculosis (MAP). This bacterium is responsible for Johne’s disease – an enteric inflammatory disease of ruminant animals and the putative cause of the similar enteric human entity, Crohn’s disease. His interest in the causal role of bacteria in human autoimmune disease also includes study of type 1 diabetes and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Additionally, Dr. Dow’s interests extend to the medical science involving the enzyme telomerase and its applications in oncology and regenerative medicine.

PubMed Listing of Publications