Jonathan Lang, PhD

Position title: Center Administrator


Phone: (608) 265-4023

9407 Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research (WIMR)
1111 Highland Ave
Madison, WI 53705

Photo of Dr. Jonathan Lang


PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison
BA, University of Cincinnati

Selected Publications

Albantakis L, Barbosa LS, Findlay G, Grasso M, Haun AM, Marshall W, Mayner WGP, Zaeemzadeh A, Boly M, Juel BE, Sasai S, Fujii K, David I, Hendren J, Lang JP, Tononi G (2023) Integrated information theory (IIT) 4.0: Formulating the properties of phenomenal existence in physical terms. arXiv [q-bio.NC]. doi: 2212.14787

Grasso* M, Albantakis* L, Lang JP, Tononi G (2021) Causal reductionism and causal structures. Nature Neuroscience, 24: 1348-1355. doi: 10.1038/s41593-021-00911-8

Ellia F, Hendren J, Grasso M, Kozma C, Mindt G, Lang JP, Haun A, Albantakis L, Boly M and Tononi G (2021) Consciousness is a structure, not a function. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2021(2). doi: 10.1093/nc/niab032

Lang JP, Haun AH (forthcoming) Mind and Foundation. In Heter J and Simpson JT (eds.) Foundation and Philosophy, Carus books.