Elizabeth Liedhegner, PhD
Credentials: UW Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Position title: Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences, UW-Milwaukee
Email: liedhen@uwm.edu
Phone: 4142295028
2400 E Hartford Ave Rm 439
Milwaukee, WI 533
2011: Ph.D., Department of Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve University
Advisor: John J. Mieyal, Ph.D.
Dissertation Title: Levodopa Drug Induced Alteration of Thiol Homeostasis in Model Neurons Activates
Apoptosis Signaling Kinase 1: Implications for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
2004: B.S. Biochemistry, Spring Hill College Mobile AL, magna cum laude
Postdoctoral Training
2010-2013: Postdoctoral Fellow, Medical College of Wisconsin
Supervisor: Cecilia Hillard, Ph.D.
Project: Endocannabinoid trafficking and regulation
Academic/Professional Positions
Aug. 2022-present: Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, UW-Milwaukee
Jan. 2017-Aug. 2022: Faculty Associate, Department of Biomedical Sciences, UW-Milwaukee
Jul. 2013-Dec. 2016: Lab Manager II, Department of Biomedical Sciences, UW- Milwaukee
Research Summary
Alterations in cellular signaling mechanisms are the crux of pathological disease development and progression. Understanding of such mechanisms impact future therapeutic development and disease management with the goal of enhancing the quality of life for the patient. My research is focused on molecular signaling mechanisms and understanding how these pathways are altered with disease allowing for identification of new disease biomarkers and therapeutic targets. As with numerous scientific programs, many of my research avenues are team-based projects. I am sought out for inclusion in collaborative research programs as I bring a unique insight and passion for understanding the “why”, or the mechanism.
Currently, my research has been concentrated on neuronal signaling mechanisms within cellular and animal models. In one research track, we use a retinal cellular model system to characterize the molecular therapeutic mechanism of 670nm light treatment in diabetic retinopathy. 670nm light treatment has been studied in the treatment of various retinal and other diseases, however the exact mechanism of action is unknown, leading to speculation on a specific therapeutic dose and treatment frequency. To address this knowledge gap, we have characterized a cellular signaling pathway potential therapeutic mechanism of 670nm light in a cellular model of diabetic retinopathy, the most common complication of diabetes mellitus. We found that rat Müller glial cells grown under high (25 mM) glucose conditions, modeling diabetes, and treated with a 670 nm light emitting diode array (LED) (4.5 J/cm2) diminished ROS production, preserved mitochondrial integrity, reduced NFkB activity to levels observed in normal glucose preventing the subsequent increase in ICAM-1, a known factor in diabetic retinopathy pathogenesis (Nonarath et al. 2021). Our next studies aim to characterize downstream changes in immunomodulatory factors and angiogenesis proteins. We hypothesize that 670nm can reduce production of inflammatory cytokines in vitro preventing retinal damage.
Research, Scholarship and Professional Activities
Peer Reviewed Publications
1.) Santiago, KN, Kozlik, T, Liedhegner, ES, Slick, RA, Lawlor, MA, Nardelli, DT. Effects of Regulatory T Cell
Depletion in BALB/c Mice Infected with Low Doses of Borrelia burgdorferi. Pathogens, 2023, 12 (2): 189.
2.) Liedhegner, E, Bojar, B, Beattie, R, Cahak, C, Hristova, KR, Skwor, T. Similarities in virulence and extended
spectrum beta-lactamase gene profiles among cefotaxime-resistant Escherichia coli wastewater and clinical
isolates. Antibiotics, 2022, 11(2), 260
3.) Nonarath, HF, Hall, AE, SenthilKumar, G, Abroe, B, Eells, JT, Liedhegner, ES*. Photobiomodulation
Modulates Signaling and Damage in an in vitro model of Diabetic Retinopathy. PLos One, 2021, 16(12):e
026098. *Corresponding author
4.) Bojar, B, Sheridan, J, Beattie, R, Cahak, C, Liedhegner, E, Munoz-Price, LS, Hristova, KR, Skwor, T.
Antibiotic resistance patterns of Escherichia coli isolates from the clinic through the wastewater pathway.
International J of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2021, 238: 113863- .
5.) Siebers EM, Liedhegner, ES, Lawlor, MW, Schell, RF, Nardelli, DT. Regulatory T Cells Contribute to
Resistance against Lyme Arthritis. Infection and Immunity, 2020, 88(11) e 00160-20.
Liedhegner CV 2023 2
6.) Liedhegner, ES, Stuhr, KL, Du, L, Doncheck, EM, Tinklenberg, J, Koester, E, Portella, M, Kinzel, A, Hillard,
CJ. Sterol Carrier Protein 2 Deletion Enhances Fear Extinction Through Modulation of the Endocannabinoid
System. Manuscript submitted to Biological Psychiatry Feb 1, 2015
7.) Liedhegner, ES, Vogt, CD, Sem, DS, Cunningham, CW, Hillard, CJ. Sterol Carrier Protein-2: Binding Protein
for Endocannabinoids. Molecular Neurobiology, 2014, 50(1):149-58
8.) Liedhegner, ES, Sasman, A, Hillard, CJ. Brain Region-Specific Changes in N-Acylethanolamine Contents
with Time of Day. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2014, 128 (4): 491-506.
9.) Sabens Liedhegner, E.A, Gao, X-H, Mieyal, J.J. Mechanisms of Altered Redox Regulation in
Neurodegenerative Diseases – Focus on Glutathionylation. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 2012, 16 (6),
10.)Sabens Liedhegner, E.A., Stellar, K.M., Mieyal, J.J. Levodopa activates ASK1 through Oxidative
Dissociation of Protein Modulators and induces cell death. Journal of Chemical Research and Toxicology, 2011,
11.)Sabens, E.A., Distler, A.M., Mieyal, J.J. Levodopa Deactivates Enzymes that Regulate Thiol-Disulfide
Homeostasis and Promotes Neuronal Cell Death – Implications for Therapy of Parkinson’s Disease,
Biochemistry 2010, 30: 2715-2724.
12.)Sabens, E.A. and Mieyal J.J. “Glutaredoxin and Thioredoxin Enzyme Systems: Catalytic Mechanisms and
Physiological Functions” Glutathione and Sulfer Amino Acids in Human Health and Disease. Eds Massala,
R., Mazza, G. Hoboken, New Jersey, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2009. 121-156.
13.)Mieyal, J.J., Gallogly, M.M., Qanungo, S., Sabens, EA, Shelton, MD. Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical
Implications of Reversible Protein S-Glutathionylation. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2008; 10: 1941-1988.
14.)Offer, T, Ames, B.N., Bailey, S.W., Sabens, E.A., Nozawa, M., Ayling, J.E., 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate Inhibits
Photosensitization Reactions and Strand Breaks in DNA, FASEB J. 2007, 21: 2101-2107.
Presentations (selected)
1.)Liedhegner, E, Sindhu, B, Grindel, S, Topitzes, J. “Pain Management in Rotator Cuff Repair: A Role for
Mindfulness Based Intervention”. Oral Presentation of Work in Progress. OT Summit of Scholars 2022
2.)Kathuria, S, Sindhu, B, Grindel, S, Topitzes, J, Liedhegner, E. “The Effect of Mindfulness Practice on Salivary
Cortisol Levels in a Patient Population Undergoing Rotator Cuff Repair” 18th Annual Research in the
Rotunda, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium,
and Senior Undergraduate Research Award Colloquium. Spring 2022
3.)Katuria, S, Quisler, A, Liedhegner, E, Eells J. “Effect of 670nm Photobiomodulation on Retinal Function and
Energy Metabolism in Aging Mice” UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium 2021, UWM Health
Research Symposium 2021.
4.)Kathuria, S, Sindhu, BS, Liedhegner, ES. Is Psychological Distress Related to Patient Reported Outcome
Measures in Patients Undergoing Surgical Repair of Rotator Cuffs. UWM Undergraduate Research
Symposium April 2020
5.) Hall, AE, Nonarath, HJ, SenthilKumar, G, Abroe, B, Eells, JT, Liedhegner, ES. 670nm Photobiomodulation
Modulates Bioenergetics and Oxidative Stress in an in vitro Model of Diabetic Retinopathy. Euretina Paris
September 2019
6.) Siebers, E, Liedhegner, ES, Nardelli, DT. Control of Immune Response to B. burgdorferi by Regulatory T
Cells. Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on Spirochetes January 2018.
Liedhegner CV 2023 3
7.) Fathima, B, Liedhegner, ES, Hansen, E, Pugh, T, Nardelli, DT. Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi in the
brains of Regulatory T Cell Depleted Mice. Poster presentation at UWM Undergraduate Research
Symposium 2017
8.) Fisher, H, Senthikumar, G, Eells, J, Liedhegner, ES. 670nm Photobiomodulation Modifies NFkB Signaling
in an in vitro Model of Diabetic Retinopathy. Poster presentation at Assocation for Research in Vision and
Opthalmology 2017
9.) Siebers, E, Liedhegner, ES, Nardelli, DT. Initial Characterization of DEREG Mice as a Potential Model of
Lyme Borreliosis. Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on Spirochetes January 2016.
10.) Sabens Liedhegner, E., Stuhr, K, Du, L, Doncheck, E, Tinklenberg, J, Peebles, A, Kinzel, A, Hillard, CJ.
Sterol Carrier Protein 2 Enhances Fear Extinction Through Modulation of the Cannabinoid System. Society
for Neuroscience Milwaukee Chapter 2014.
11.) Sabens Liedhegner, E., Stuhr, K, Hillard, C.J. Regulation of Endocannabinoid Levels by Sterol Carrier
Protein 2. International Cannabinoid Research Conference 2012
12.)Sabens Liedhegner, E., Sasman, A, Hillard, C.J. Brain region-specific circadian rhythms of nacylethanolamine contents and fatty acid amide hydrolase. International Cannabinoid Research Conference
13.)Sabens, E.A. and Mieyal, J.J. Levodopa activates Apoptosis Signaling Kinase 1 and promotes apoptosis in
a Neuronal Model: Implications for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. Experimental Biology 2011 and
Milwaukee Chapter Society of Neuroscience 2011
14.)Sabens, E.A. and Mieyal, J.J. ASK1 Activation through loss of protein interactions in Levodopa treated
Neurons leads to Apoptosis. Gordon Research Conference, May 2010.
15.)Sabens, E.A. and Mieyal, J.J. Levodopa effects on redox regulation in cultured cells: a dopaminergic model
for Parkinson’s Disease. Gordon Research Conference May 2008.
16.)Sabens, E., Bailey, S, and Ayling, J. The Fate of Oxidized 5-Methyltetrahydrofolic Acid. Federation of
American Societies for Experimental Biology, San Diego CA, April 2003.
Grants Received
2023: Finish Line Award, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, “Development of Sterol Carrier Protein 2
Inhibitors as Anxiolytics”, role: PI, $21,000 total funds
2022: Therapeutics Accelerator Program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Pharmacology and
Toxicology, “Identification of Novel Inhibitors of Sterol Carrier Protein 2 (SCP-2)”, role: Co-PI, $30,000 total
2021: Research Assistance Fund, UWM Office of Research, “670nm PBM, Diabetic Retinopathy, and Muller
Cells”, role: PI, $4953.00 total funds
2021: NIH CTSI Integrated Clinical and Research Ensemble Award, “Implications of Mindfulness on Rotator
Cuff Surgical Outcomes: a Translational Field Study” funded 2021-2022, Role: PI & Ensemble lead, Award
number UL1TR001436, $34, 548.00 total funds.
2017: Elsa Pardee Foundation, “Inhibition of obesity driven prostate cancer progression by PEDF peptide
treatment in combination with castration” funded 2016-2018, Role: Co-Investigator, $150,000 total funds
2016: UWM Research and Creative Activities Support, “Effects of Naturally-Occurring Regulatory T Cells On
Development of Lyme Disease: funded 2016-2018, Role: Co-PI, $25,000 total funds
Liedhegner CV 2023 4
2016: CHS Stimulus Program to Accelerate Research Clusters, “Effects of Regulatory Cells on the Development
and Progression of Lyme Disease” funded 2016-2018, Role: Co-PI, $25,000 total funds
2013: CHS Stimulus for Enhancing Extramural Development, “Activation of the Endocannabinoid System by
Photobiomodulation: Implications in Multiple Sclerosis Therapy”, funded 2014-2015, Role: PI, $10,000 total
2011: Innovation Research Center Grant, Medical College of Wisconsin: “Sterol Carrier Protein 2 and
endocannabinoid trafficking” funded October 2011, role: PI, $20,000 total funds
2009: Aided in VA Merit Review Proposal for JJM. Funded December 2009. Role: student
Leadership and Service Roles
2022: Invited Guest Editor, Collection title: “Current Methods and Assessments of Oxidative Changes and
Bioenergetics”, JoVE
2021-2022: Graduate Faculty Committee, appointed academic staff member
2020-current: Member of UW system Caregiving Task Force
2020: Chair Search and Screen committee MLS/BMS Undergraduate Program Director
2018-current: Journal reviewer for Clinical Medicine and Research (2) and Journal of Neuroimmunology (1)
2017-current: Chair of UWM Chemical Safety Committee
2016-2022: Member of UWM Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
2015: Innovation Corps entrepreneurial lead (UWM)
2014-2015: Faculty and Student Affairs Committee (UWM)
2012-2013: Postdoctoral Industry Consultant Organization (MCW)
2011-2013: Postdoctoral Liaison committee (MCW)
2007-2008: Chairperson, Biomedical Graduate Student Symposium Committee
2007: Selection Committee Member, John S. Diekhoff Award for Distinguished Graduate Student Teaching
2006-2007: Publicity director, Biomedical Graduate Student Symposium Committee (BGSS)
2006-2008: Representative of the Graduate Student Organization, Department of Pharmacology for BGSS
Honors and Awards
2022: UWM Research Mentor of the Year Nominee
2021: College of Health Sciences Service Award
2020: Travel Award for the Redox Biology Center Symposium, Lincoln Nebraska
2011: Postdoctoral poster presentation winner, Milwaukee Chapter Society of Neuroscience
2010: 3rd place poster presentation, Research ShowCASE
2010: NSF-Sponsored Travel Award to Gordon Research Conference
2009: Biomedical Graduate Student Symposium poster presentation winner
2009: Predoctoral Fellowship: NIH Institutional Metabolism Training Grant (T32 DK007319)
2006: Greenfield Travel Award: Best journal club presentation CWRU Dept of Pharmacology
2005-2007: Predoctoral Fellowship: NIH Institutional Molecular Training Grant (T32 GM008803)