Jacob Notbohm, PhD

Credentials: Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Physics

Email: jknotbohm@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-890-0030

533 Engineering Research Bldg
1500 Engineering Dr
Madison, WI 53706

BS Engineering Mechanics, UW-Madison, Madison WI, 2007
MS Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 2009
PhD Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 2013

Research Interests:
Dr. Notbohm’s research interests are in cell mechanics, mechanotransduction, cell migration, and quantitative image analysis with applications in human health and disease. There are numerous conditions of the eye related to mechanics and cell response—changes in intraocular pressure and transport across the epithelium are two examples.

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