Robert E. Roth, PhD
Credentials: Geography - Cartography
(College of Letters & Science)
Position title: Professor
Website: Robert Roth's Lab
375 Science Hall
550 N Park St
Madison, WI 53706
Keywords: Interactive and mobile map design, user experience (UX) design, spatial and visual reasoning, visual storytelling
BS 2005, Cartography & GIS—University of Wisconsin-Madison
MS 2007, Cartography & GIS—University of Wisconsin-Madison
PhD 2011, Geography—Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests
Professor Roth teaches and researches interactive, online, and mobile cartography. As a mixed-method social scientist, Professor Roth’s research draws from visual perception, visual cognition, visual semiotics, and visual storytelling to improve map design processes and products. Professor Roth teaches a 300-level introduction to cartography course (no prerequisites) relevant to anyone interested in visual communication and design, using the ArcGIS Pro and Adobe software packages for technical labs. Professor Roth also teaches two advanced courses: one that deconstructs how maps and visualizations work from perceptual, cognitive, and cultural dimensions, using Esri Story Maps and Mapbox Studio for lab assignments, and another that treats web maps and visualizations as a case study in user interface and user experience (UI/UX) design, introducing the Leaflet.js and D3.js mapping and charting libraries.
Robert Roth’s Publications