Ross Collery, PhD

Credentials: Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Medical College of Wisconsin


Phone: (414) 308-9369

Eye Institute
Medical College of Wisconsin
925 N 87th St
Milwaukee, WI 53226-4812

BA 2000, Science (Genetics), Trinity College, Dublin
MSc 2003, Science (Genetics), Trinity College, Dublin
PhD 2008, Retinal Biology & Disease, University College, Dublin
Postdoc 2008, Retinal Biology & Disease, University College, Dublin
Postdoc 2016, Myopia & Glaucoma Modeling in Zebrafish, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

Research Interests:
Dr. Collery’s research centers around the study of retinoids and other signaling pathways that participate in eye growth, health, and control of refractive state.  He uses zebrafish, and induced pluripotent retinal pigment epithelial cells (iPS-RPE), to study how retinoids (vitamin A analogs) provide support for the visual cycle as well as transcriptional activation of genes. His research seeks to integrate knowledge regarding visual input, retinoid trafficking, and other growth cues to better understand emmetropization and retinal health. To that end, he uses CRISPR/Cas9 techniques to delete or mutate genes associated with human diseases affecting refractive state, or leading to retinal degeneration.


PubMed List of Publications