This year’s Vision at the Biotech Center event will take place from 10:00am-12:00pm on Saturday, June 1st, 2024 in the UW Biotechnology Center Auditorium (Rm 1111, 425 Henry Mall) and will feature the following presentations:
•Richard Dubielzig, DVM, Emeritus Professor (Pathobiological Sciences, VetMed, UW–Madison)
Talk title: How birds, reptiles, and mammals got their eyes
•Kelsey Jenkins, BS, PhD candidate (Earth & Planetary Sciences, Yale University)
Talk title: Opening the Third Eye: The fossil record’s story of sensory evolution
After the presentations: Enjoy refreshments, talk with our presenters, and see live reptiles and other specimens!
NOTE: If you cannot attend this event in person, you can still watch a Zoom livestream of the talks here.
If you are active on social media, please feel free to share the details of this event there!
Wondering how to get to a seminar series location? Click the button below below for directions and parking information.
Click button below to download this year’s poster.