Student Presentation Awards – Fall Vision Science Poster Session

The McPherson ERI was pleased to have its first back-in-person Fall Vision Science Poster Session on Thursday, October 20, 2022.

Best Student Presentation Award, Vision Science

Zikang (John) Zhu, graduate student (Neuroscience; Ari Rosenberg, PhD, mentor). “Differential Clustering of Visual, Choice-, and Saccade-Related Activity in Macaque V3A and CIP”

Prize: Zeiss Terra ED 42 Binoculars, generously donated by Zeiss, and a $50 University Bookstore gift card generously donated by the HSLC University Bookstore

Poster presentation Award: Honorable Mention, Vision Science

Mike Landowski, PhD, postdoctoral fellow (Human Genetics; Aki Ikeda, PhD, mentor). “A Novel Function of Transmembrane Protein 135 in Peroxisomal Homeostasis”

Clementine Zimnicki, graduate student (Psychology; Karen Schloss, PhD, mentor). “Squares vs. Maps: effects of configuration on the dark-is-more bias?”

Prizes: $25 University Bookstore gift card generously donated by the HSLC University Bookstore