The Expanding Our Vision (EOV) grant program was started this year to provide awards of up to $10,000 to researchers performing vision-related research in visual communication, visual cognition, visual perception/performance, data visualization, development of novel …
McPherson ERI Fall 2020 Trainee Symposium, October 15th
Please join us for the McPherson ERI Fall 2020 Trainee Symposium, to be held online in lieu of our annual in-person poster session. McPherson ERI trainees will give 3-minute “flash talks” on their current research …
A New Approach to a Rare, Incurable Form of Blindness
A collaboration among four McPherson ERI member labs has resulted in a proof-of-concept method to correct an inherited form of macular degeneration that causes blindness, and that is currently untreatable. The research, which focused on …
Kenzi Valentyn Vision Research Grants 2020 Announced
The McPherson Eye Research Institute’s Research and Leadership Committees are pleased to announce the 2020 recipients of the Kenzi Valentyn Vision Research Grants. Anjani Sreepada Chakrala, Ralph W. Nelson, and Abhilash Sawant will each receive …
Visiting Scholar Program Announces Four 2020 Awards
The McPherson ERI Visiting Scholar Program (VSP) provides a unique opportunity for McPherson ERI members to invite researchers from other institutions to visit UW-Madison for up to a week. Such immersive experiences facilitate in-depth interactions and …
David G. Walsh Research Travel Award Recipients, Spring 2020
McPherson ERI/David G. Walsh Research Travel Awards provide funds for graduate students and postdocs from McPherson ERI members’ research groups to attend conferences to present vision-related work and to advance educational and professional development opportunities. …
Schloss Lab Receives Grant to Understand Visual Reasoning
Karen Schloss, Assistant Professor in UW-Madison’s Department of Psychology, has received a grant for $558,702 from the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Program. The award is for a project intended to advance the …
Grant Summit Program Opportunity 2020
McPherson ERI members are invited to avail themselves of this funding opportunity – detailed guidelines and an application form are linked. The McPherson ERI Grant Summit Program seeks to increase support for UW-Madison vision research …
Applications open for Spring 2020 Walsh Research Travel Awards
With funding from Cycle for Sight as well as from the David G. Walsh Research Fellowship Fund, two David G. Walsh Research Travel Awards will be awarded to support graduate students and/or postdoctoral researchers in …
Kenzi Valentyn Vision Research Grants 2020, applications open
The McPherson Eye Research Institute is pleased to announce its fourth annual research grant competition for trainees whose principal investigator mentors are McPherson ERI members at UW-Madison or at another Wisconsin institution (including UW-Milwaukee, UW-Oshkosh, …