Visiting Scholar Lecture Series

Our upcoming Visiting Scholar Lecture will take place from 12:00pm-1:30pm on Thursday, Sept. 26th, 2024 in WIMR (Rm 3571, 1111 Highland Ave) and will feature the following speaker/presentation:

Willa Brenowitz, PhD, MPH (Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research)
Talk title: Are visual impairments and eye conditions risk factors for dementia?

If you intend to join us for this seminar, please click the button below to RSVP so that we can order enough pizza and refreshments for everyone:


If you are active on social media, please feel free to share the details of this event there!

Wondering how to get to the lecture location? Click the button below below for directions and parking information.

Directions & Parking

Click button below to download this year’s poster.

PDF of poster